1-on-1 Tutoring Pairs typically meet in their local library once or twice a week for an hour to an hour and a half each meeting. For more information on how to get started with improving your reading and writing, or how to become a volunteer tutor, please give us a call 530-552-5650.
Volunteers are needed at the First Baptist Paradise Food Pantry each Thursday morning and Friday to unload, organize, and distribute food to those in need. Please call Associate Pastor Mike Howard (530-570-7706) for more information.
The 530 Food Rescue Coalition is a new project up and running in Butte County! We prevent perfectly good food from going to landfills and redirect it to nonprofits that serve those who are food insecure. https://www.buttecaa.com/foodrescue/
On a specific date every two months, food donors place their Simple Gesture/Green Bag filled with nonperishable foods on their front porch. Drivers pick up the Green Bags and deliver them to our four local food pantries. Volunteers at the food pantries receive the donations and add them to their food supply which helps feed the hungry in our Paradise and Magalia communities.
You can help by becoming a donor and/or a driver. https://www.paradisestronger.org/a-simple-gesture.html
Volunteers are needed Thursdays and Saturdays from 11:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. to assist with food distribution to community members in need. The Food Pantry is now housed in the MCC Firehouse. Volunteers can call 530-877-7963 or email MCCChurch1896@yahoo.com.
If you are an individual or group, PRPD has a wide variety of options ranging from continuous projects, one time events, and special projects. For example, help out with Tree Care Day. As The Town of Paradise rebuilds it is important to rebuild the natural environment as well. Trees provide many benefits to the community such as shade, clean air, boost mental health, support wildlife, and so much more. Join them in connecting to nature through service. https://www.paradiseprpd.com/volunteering-with-prpd
Although the Volunteer Firefighters do not usually ride on the apparatus, they do occasionally spend the day or night at the station for a “sleeper shift", answering calls with the engine company. Normally, the Volunteer Firefighters are dispatched directly to fires from their home or work and respond in their private vehicles to assist the paid personnel as directed by the incident commander. https://www.townofparadise.com/fire/page/volunteers
Volunteers with PASH contribute in many ways, including socializing animals in the shelter, keeping the shelter clean and tidy, and helping maintain the outdoor animal areas and shelter grounds. https://www.townofparadise.com/animal/page/volunteer-paradise-animal-shelter-helpers-pash
In the event of an emergency, the Town of Paradise calls upon a dedicated group of volunteers who have been trained to support the Town in keeping the citizens of Paradise safe. Volunteers may help by answering phones, ordering supplies, and general support activities when an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated. https://www.townofparadise.com/community/page/emergency-operations-center-volunteers-eoc
The Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) program is a volunteer organization committed to assisting the Paradise Police Department in their goal of enhancing community safety, protecting life and property, reducing crime, and reducing the fear of crimes. In conjunction with our mission, the role of every member of the Volunteers in Police Service is to promote public education and public awareness to create a safer community. https://www.townofparadise.com/police/page/volunteers-police-service-vips
1275 Bille Rd., Tuesdays, 10-12 a.m. Help tie quilts to donate to local charities.
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